100 Doors Brain Teasers Level 46 47 48 49 50 Walkthrough

Answers for 100 Doors Brain Teasers Level 46 47 48 49 50 Walkthrough – How to solve the brain teasing puzzle room with eye catching graphics detailed and interactive game for each floor stage cheat
100 Doors Brain Teasers 1 app game by Muddassir Malik on iphone / ShEk Tech on android device


100 doors brain teasers niveau 46 47 48 49 50 solutions :

100 doors brain teasers level 46 walkthrough
tap the floor mat and get a bottle opener
tap the box on table and use the opener on the bottle
look at the cap picture
tap the left pillow and get a key then use it to open the right drawer
on the paper there’s a hint : you enjoy it
tap the window : school off
enter HOLIDAY on the panel screen

100 doors brain teasers level 47 walkthrough
mr stevens’s villa
get a hammer from briefcase then use it to break the box open
look at the paper the line with start – end = pink
tap the left picture : 007
click the panel and change the pink hand into 7
then enter the name : 07

100 doors brain teasers level 48 walkthrough
tap the box open to get a rope
use the rope above the door then tap the lamp 2x to move it
there’s a 700 on the lamp
tap the bed and get a hammer under the bed
use the hammer to break the left board on door +200
tap keypad and enter 900

100 doors brain teasers level 49 walkthrough
tap the cake box : marry
get a hammer from the drawer then use it on the happy birthday poster and reveal 14
tap the party popper and get a paper with clue :
gender + age
female – 1
male – 2
tap keypad and enter 15

100 doors brain teasers level 50 walkthrough
tap the cushion on sofa and bottle on floor
combine both items and use it on the left picture :
first alphabet is a number
tap the tissue box on table : live long life
L = 12, put the number into x-(y*z)
enter 132 on keypad to open the door


Can you find your way out of every room? Use in-game hints, solve addictive puzzles and open the door of each room.

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  • 100 doors brain teasers level 46
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  • 100 doors brain teaser 46
  • 100 doors brain teaser 47
  • 100 doors brain teaser level 50
  • 100 doors brainteasers 47
  • 100 doors brainteasers level 46

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