Amazing Breakout Level 10 Walkthrough

Answers for Amazing Breakout Level 10 Walkthrough – Leonardo Da Vinci was a master of inventions, secrets and riddles. Are you good enough to solve every single riddle in here ? Play as a security guard and escape from the locked museum hall by unlocking every single hall which presents the history of humanity from the darkest times to nowadays. Solve the puzzles, break the codes – and escape! find small moai figures on each stage to unlock secret room !
прохождение Amazing Breakout by MobiGrow on iphone and android


amazing breakout level 10 walkthrough
get the cloth on middle
tap left curtain and connect the monalisa picture for brush
tap right door and get pencil hanging under the painting
use the cloth to clean the painting

use pencil + brush on left canvas and get the painting
put the painting on the middle of the missing spot
get lens on right box and put it on the telescope to see clue on painting :
blue : N
red : I V
green : C I

tap left box and change the letters like the clue :
get the gear and place it on the missing spot on middle
connect the gears to get key
use key to open right door and escape to stage 11


video guide amazing breakout level 10 cheats :

return to complete amazing breakout walkthrough

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