Escape World’s Largest Hotel Level 20 Walkthrough

Answer for Escape World’s Largest Hotel Level 20 Walkthrough – You find yourself trapped in the huge hotel and your mission it to escape! This escape game has many different locations filled with epic puzzles. You need to break codes, find hidden objects and use your brain to find your way out.
прохождение Escape World’s Largest Hotel by Tedven / Mobest Media on iphone and android


Escape World’s Largest Hotel Stage 20 Cheats
pick up remote on left chair
take scissors on table, CD under table and handle on left sofa
use scissors to cut flowers on left vase
memorize the color for each flower height

insert CD on right player and use remote to turn on TV
now memorize the flower height order
tap on right drawer and change the color to red – yellow – pink
take a device inside and combine it with the handle
tap it to see the clue for LIEO paper
open the paper for clue 0317 and some numbers in circle with color

tap left speaker box and enter the LIEO code
obtain a phone
tap on left windown and get the cable
combine it with the phone then use it on the right laptop
you will see these picture :
bottle – pillow – drink – bowl
count all the items on the room and you will have : 1 9 2 3

use these code to open left window
go out and look for color clue direction on chair :
red – green – blue – yellow
now find out the value for each color on the paper note
the value of addition = 15 for each circle pie
red = 9
green = 7
blue = 5
yellow = 11

tap the left box and enter the code :
take the key and use it to open the fence door and escape


step by step escape world’s largest hotel level 20 video guide

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