Pirate Escape Level 17 Walkthrough

Clue for Pirate Escape Level 17 Walkthrough Ahoy, pirate! Dare to enter Pirate Escape and test your puzzle solving skills? Escape through each room with pirate theme using items and codes to get key so you can open door for next stage !
Pirate Escape by Trapped on iphone / android device


pirate escape niveau 17 solution
get eyepatch on table and hat near door
look on the left and get sword and leg stick
put eyepatch + hat to the wooden doll and get another sword
use the sword to cut watermelon for dots clue :
o x x
x x o
x o o
tap the box button on table following the clue for dices

put dices on left table and look at number :
5 = 3 2
3 = 1 2
tap the right pillar and enter the number like the order, so you will have :
2 3 2 1
get key and use it to open right cabinet on middle
take the candle and use it to the middle lamp
use leg stick to break left glass for circles
combine sword + circles

use candle on the table lamp for arrow clue : left – right
connect the circles on the left box that wooden doll hold
then change the pointer to left – right
get the circle key and use it on the door to open
continue to stage 18


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