Tag Archives: 100 doors 2 niveau 66 67 68 69 70 solution

100 Doors 2 Level 66 67 68 69 70 Walkthrough

Solutions for 100 Doors 2 Level 66 67 68 69 70 Walkthrough – How to pass the puzzle by open the door to escape from the room, sequel of 100 Doors app game : 100 Doors 2 Beta so you can find out the key to escape for next stage.
100 Doors 2 Beta by MPI Games on iphone / android device

100 doors 2 beta niveau 66 67 68 69 70 solution :

100 doors seasons level 66 walkthrough
get the bucket, move the barrel to the right and pick up the gun
use the gun to shoot on the skull’s left horn
get the horn and place it on the right wall
use the bucket on the horn and pick up 3 stones
place all the stone on the bucket so door 66 open

100 doors seasons level 67 walkthrough
get the tape on floor and use it to play radio on the left
the zombie will start dancing, shake your phone to make it fall

100 doors seasons level 68 walkthrough
get the crowbar and tap all the alien on this room to destroy it, there are 3 aliens
the last one is under the sofa and when danger color turned from red to green, door 68 will open

100 doors seasons level 69 walkthrough
get the deflated balloon on floor and put it on helium tank
get 2 items from box : hook and string
tap the balloon to inflate it, connect it with the ring and hook
drag the balloon down to the hole on the floor, then release it to get a key from the hook

100 doors seasons level 70 walkthrough
tap the switch to turn on the gravity, drag the table to the left and turn off the gravity
press the red button on floor, turn on the gravity and drag the table to the right
turn off the gravity and get the key to open door 70

100 door 2 beta nivel 66 67 68 69 70 video guide :

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