Texas Hazard Level 3 Walkthrough

Solution for Texas Hazard Level 3 Walkthrough – Escape from the sheriff and his men by solving the puzzle logic on every stage room and open door codes !
прохождение Texas Hazard by Trapped on iphone and android


Texas Hazard Stage 3 Cheats
look at door for clue, then apply it to left bottles height
you will get these numbers : 12068
take crowbar on left table and use it to open floor
use the codes to open safe for spring
take can on left shelf

connect spring to the left table then add the can
tap left bottle and pick up the can + water
pour the water into the hose on left box
take a pipe and use it on door to open
escape to texas hazard stage 4


step by step texas hazard level 3 video guide

return to texas hazard walkthrough list

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