Tag Archives: Doors & Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Level 10

Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 10 Walkthrough

Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 10 Walkthrough – D&R3 game cheats where you use items to solve the puzzle & riddle to escape a room and find secret item.
Doors&Rooms 3 by gameday Inc. on android and ios iphone / ipad

doors and rooms 3 level 1-10 solution :
open table drawer for screwdriver
pick up bullet on floor
open left box and get a gun
combine bullet + gun and use it on the elevator lock
move inside

get a bullet on floor and take the paper on left side
use screwdriver to open the bottom left hatch
tap the lever so it hit the light at the same time
press the 2nd floor button
go out

open the box on floor to get a tweezers
open table drawer for light bulb
combine bullet + gun and use it on the right power
get the key

pick up bottle on floor and use it on the plate
place the paper to see numbers : 154839
use tweezer to pick up the paper

look at the card symbol on this room :
spade = 2
club = 5
diamond = 1

tap left table, click on the switch to turn off the power
put on the light bulb then place the paper to see yellow and green numbers
back to elevator to see the another symbol :
heart = 3

go down and find more card symbols :
spade = 6
diamond = 4

order the numbers 1 – 5 :
diamond – spade – heart – diamond – club – spade
so press these button on the elevator :
down – left – right – down – up – left
a hatch will open get the coin on right side
go out and place the coin on left panel
enter :
1 green
5 yellow
4 green
8 yellow
3 green
9 green
use key to remove the gun chain and get the gun
combine screwdriver + gun then dismantle the gun
go to elevator and connect the lift button
tap floor 1 and escape !

step by step doors & rooms 3 chapter 1 stage 10 video guide

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