Tag Archives: just escape futuristic level 5 cheat

Just Escape Futuristic Room 5 Walkthrough

Just Escape Futuristic Room 5 Walkthrough Cheats how to solve puzzles and find hints on the abandoned space station to unlock the door and Just Escape the room
Just Escape a room escape game by Inertia Software

just escape futuristic level 5 video cheat guide :

just escape futuristic room 5 solutions :
pick up a blue screwdriver on bottom left
get a wire on top right pipe
tap the bottom right panel, use the screwdriver to remove 4 screws open
tap the right switch to turn on the light bulb, get a pliers
tap the left switch and pick up the light bulb

combine the pliers + wire together, then combine the wire with light bulb
tap the left panel, get a battery
combine the bulb + battery

tap the left circle panel
open it and get a paper on the 2nd circle
inspect the crumpled paper for clue numbers :
0 green
+1 orange
-1 red
-2 yellow
+2 purple

tap the left panel and turn the dial like the paper clue, here’s the answer :
you will have a green light on the switch, go back and the door will open
escape to level 6

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  • just escape futuristic level 5
  • just escape futuristic 5
  • futuristic room 5
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