100 Doors Brain Teasers Level 36 37 38 39 40 Walkthrough

Answer for 100 Doors Brain Teasers Level 36 37 38 39 40 Walkthrough – How to solve the brain teasing puzzle room with eye catching graphics detailed and interactive game for each floor stage cheats
100 Doors Brain Teasers 1 app game by Muddassir Malik on iphone / ShEk Tech on android device


100 doors brain teasers niveau 36 37 38 39 40 solutions :

100 doors brain teasers level 36 walkthrough
tap the picture on right : dog cat bird
tap on the bar so the ring move to the middle
now press the left panel and enter : dog bird cat

100 doors brain teasers level 37 walkthrough
get a tape behind tv and use it on the wire then tap the TV
#R + #B
# = number of
just enter 2 on keypad to open door

100 doors brain teasers level 38 walkthrough
tap the ring to see the color on button : red blue green red green
now change the color into number like the triangle to get code
enter 1 2 3 1 3 on keypad

100 doors brain teasers level 39 walkthrough
find the pattern and do the math, the answer is 28

100 doors brain teasers level 40 walkthrough
tap the red button to turn on tv
tap the panel and enter O & 15
now enter the color tile on the wall to the box


Can you find your way out of every room? Use in-game hints, solve addictive puzzles and open the door of each room.

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  • 100 doors brain teaser level 36
  • 100 doors brain teasers level 40
  • 100 doors brain teaser level 37
  • 100 doors brain teasers level 36
  • 100 DOORS brainteasers level 40
  • 100 doors brain teasers 40
  • 100 doors brainteasers level 37
  • 100 doors brainteaser level 36
  • 100 doors brainteasers level 36

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