100 Hell 3D Chambers of Devil Floor 16 17 18 19 20 Walkthrough

Solutions for 100 Hell 3D Chambers of Devil Floor 16 17 18 19 20 Walkthrough to escape from the 100 floors of devil’s chambers in 100 hell 3d. Interact with items and solve the puzzle in full 3D world. Make good use of the holy sword and kill the devil ! Can you even find the door ?
прохождение 100 Hell 3D escape game app by Cybergate Technology Ltd. on ios iphone and android


100 Hell 3D Floor 16 Walkthrough
look at the right color of the door
you need to follow the pipe to reveal the correct order of color
tap the right panel and change color into blue – red
open the panel and get green gem, look inside to get a bottle

tap right shelf and open top middle left drawer for bottle
and bottom right for yellow gem

combine both bottle and use it on the monster heart on pipe wall
pick up the red gem
now insert : red – blue – yellow gems on left door side
kill the demon with sword

100 Hell 3D Floor 17 Walkthrough
pick up key from vase on table
open electricity panel with key and cut the tube with sword
you will see “HELP” on wall
if you look keypad on your mobile phone keyboard, spell help :
H = 4
E = 3
L = 5
P = 7
enter 4357 on keypad to open door and kill the demon

100 Hell 3D Floor 18 Walkthrough
open toolbox for wrench
look at left pipe and tap the wheel so the door floor will open
use wrench to get the wheel
look at the opposite side and connect the wheel on pipe
tap the wheel to see the key drop out from water pipe
tap the wheel to close the water and use wrench to get the wheel
pick up key and use it to open electric panel
tap the button to see the magnet

tap the magnet and drag it to get the monster then move it to the middle
tap the button from electric panel to drop the monster
connect the wheel on left pipe and tap the wheel to close the floor

100 Hell 3D Floor 19 Walkthrough
open top drawer of table to get matchbox
if you look the clue on wall :
the 1st result number is subtraction and the 2nd is addition
9-3=6 and 9+3=12
5-2=3 and 5+2=7
so if you look at the matchbox there’s a number :
so do the math :
9-7 = 2 and 9+7 = 16
enter 216 on keypad to open safe for match stick
use it on the matchbox then light all 3 candles on table

100 Hell 3D Floor 20 Walkthrough
connect the paper on table to get numbers : 6294
enter this code on keypad and get a flashlight
use the flashlight on wall to find 3 x mark
tap these brick wall to remove and kill the demon


Take the challenge from hell! Solve the puzzles of the chambers and kill the Devil! Can you escape from the 100 floors of the Chambers of Devil, in full dynamic 3D!? more chambers are coming soon.
return to all 100 hell 3d walkthrough list

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