Category Archives: dooors 3

Dooors 3 Level 6 7 8 9 10 Walkthrough

Answers for Dooors 3 Level 6 7 8 9 10 Walkthrough to escape all 5 door rooms on these stage and solve the puzzle logic on 5 stages using items that you can find on each floor, multi-touch or shake your phone device.
DOOORS3 – room escape game by 58 WORKS on iphone / android device

dooors 3 level 6 walkthrough
get the shovel on left corner, use it on the plant to get soil
use the soil on the fire

dooors 3 level 7 walkthrough
tap the smartphone, shake your device to see the colors
change the circle to match the lamp color

dooors 3 level 8 walkthrough
quickly tap all 5 slime dolls


dooors 3 level 9 walkthrough
find the location of the national flag from the door on the world map

dooors 3 level 10 walkthrough
click left wall and get the pin to see the hints, use the line movement to press the square on the right

doors 3 video cheat guide nivel 6-10 :

Incoming search terms:

  • прохождение 130XES
  • doors3 level 43

Dooors 3 Level 1 2 3 4 5 Walkthrough

Cheats for Dooors 3 Level 1 2 3 4 5 Walkthrough to escape all 5 door rooms on these stage and solve the puzzle logic on 5 stages using items that you can find on each floor, multi-touch or shake your phone device.
DOOORS3 – room escape game by 58 WORKS on iphone / android device

dooors 3 level 1 walkthrough
press the button, get the key use it to open door

dooors 3 level 2 walkthrough
tap the door a couple of times until it cracks

dooors 3 level 3 walkthrough
move the middle statue to the right


dooors 3 level 4 walkthrough
change the circle to match the lines

dooors 3 level 5 walkthrough
move the ball left and right by tilting your device, move the wood planks by tilting upside down

doors 3 video cheat guide nivel 1-5 :

Incoming search terms:

  • dooors 3 level 52
  • dooors 3 level 1