Escape Job Level 20 Basement Lab Walkthrough

Cheat for Escape Job Level 20 Basement Lab Walkthrough – Pretty nice setup for a basement lab. This guy has synthesized a revolutionary chemical that will be worth billions to the right corporation. This escape game has the classical room escape structure which means you need to pick locks, break codes, solve puzzles and use outside of the box thinking in order to find your way out.
прохождение Escape Job by Goblin LLC on iphone and android


Escape Job Stage 20 Cheats
pick up scissors on floor
tap on left table pick up a bottle and tube inside left box
tap on right table and take the magnifying glass
look at the paper for the clue :
o o o x o o
o o o o o o
o o x o o o
o o o o x o
x o o o o x
o x o o o o
tap on the right box and move the slider position like the clue
get the bottle inside
use scissors to cut the plant
place the bottle on right table and add the tube

connect the left monitor line to see formula clue
use magnifying glass on the right bottle and find the formula and move the tube
look under the 2nd paper clue
place the bottle on right machine and rotate the disk to get the color like the hint
take the bottle and place it on the middle
add the plant

tap the button on left and right to get the pointer stay on the blue area
take the bottle and escape through the middle floor


step by step escape job level 20 video guide

return to all levels of escape job walkthrough list

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