Tag Archives: Doors & Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Level 9

Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 9 Walkthrough

Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 9 Walkthrough – D&R3 game cheats where you use items to solve the puzzle & riddle to escape a room and find secret item.
Doors&Rooms 3 by gameday Inc. on android and ios iphone / ipad

doors and rooms 3 level 1-9 solution :
get indian doll on cabinet
open cabinet drawer to get a pipe
pick up shoe on floor
tap right panel and solve the picture puzzle to get key
use the key to open the floor door

get a bottle on bookshelf
open left cabinet to get a pipe
pick up crowbar on right corner
take the bamboo right to fireplace
dismantle the bottle inside inventory bag
dismantle shoe to get lace
combine powder + bamboo + lace
place the bamboo on right wall
combine 2 pipe together
use crowbar to open floor tile
connect the pipe and tap the open button
use the bottle on the left faucet
tap left stove to lit the fire
use the indian doll on the fire then use it on fireplace then the bamboo on right wall
go to right room

use the indian doll on the heater
pick up magnet on the cabinet
use the bottle on the teapot
you will see the clue on wall :
x o o x x
o x o x o

go back to left room and look on the table
place the magnet on map to see the direction :
red = 7
brown = 2
green = 9
purple = 5
go up and tap the puzzle on wall like the clue
now go down and use bottle on faucet
use bottle on the fireplace to get the key secret item

back to right room and open the cabinet lock with code :
get a key inside and use it to open the door
escape to level 10

step by step doors & rooms 3 chapter 1 stage 9 video guide

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