Tag Archives: Doors & Rooms 3 Chapter 2 Level 2

Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 2 Stage 2 Walkthrough

Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 2 Stage 2 Walkthrough – D&R3 game cheats where you use items to solve the puzzle & riddle to escape a room and find secret item.
Doors&Rooms 3 by gameday Inc. on android and ios iphone / ipad

doors and rooms 3 level 2-2 solution :
open table drawer right to the chair and get a shears
use it to cut left vines to get snake piece

open left box to get a hammer
use it to get 2 nails from left cabinet
open the cabinet to get hat and frog piece

use hammer to break vase on table to get eagle piece
open right box to get a worm piece
break left mirror with hammer and place all 4 piece with animal size order from big to small :
eagle – snake – frog – worm
drag the button and secret door will open, go inside

take the candle on right
dismantle the hat to get a pen and use the pen on ink bottle
tap the paper on table on complete the odd mackerel fish bone with pen
this is a hint for bone position that you need to change on the wall plate for blue ball

tap the bucket near barrel and use 2 nails + hammer to fix the barrel
press the faucet and get the bucket
pick up the pitchfork on right and use it to remove hays on left side
open the hatch and use the bucket to pour the water
get the red ball

go back up
use candle on right candle to lit them up
get the yellow ball
place all 3 balls on right door and open it
escape to d&r level 3

step by step doors & rooms 3 chapter 2 stage 2 video guide

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