Tag Archives: Doors & Rooms 3 Chapter 2 Level 5

Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 2 Stage 5 Walkthrough

Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 2 Stage 5 Walkthrough – D&R3 game cheats where you use items to solve the puzzle & riddle to escape a room and find secret item.
Doors&Rooms 3 by gameday Inc. on android and ios iphone / ipad

doors and rooms 3 level 2-5 solution :
get syringe on middle table drawer, shovel and cloth on right
go to 2nd room and get a cleaner bottle on right table
open box on bottom left to get a valve
back to 1st room and connect the valve on left device
turn it to right and press on button
use shovel on coal and get the dirty card
combine cleaner + cloth then add the dirty card to get the id card

go to 2nd room
use the card on bottom left device and turn off the button
get 2 fuse tube
use the one that have full tube on bottom right and turn on the button
tap the shape using clue on 1st room right wall screen :
square – circle – hexagon – 3 circle – star

go to 3rd room
open right panel to get a fuse tube
pick up an empty tube on bottom left
tap right machine and memorize the pentagon direction + pipe size
open the toolbox on top right to get wrench and box on right to get charger cable

back to 1st room
use wrench on right pipe and change the pointer direction like the clue :
right – bottom right – bottom left

tap right device and connect the charger cable
add the half full tube on the device and charge it

go to 3rd room and turn on the right device
open the oven and add the coal
use syringe on the water and combine with the empty tube

back to 1st room and charge the last fuse
go to 2nd room and connect all fuse on left device

move to 1st room and open the left door, then escape to d&r 3 level 6

secret room to unlock doors & rooms 3 stage 9
on the 1st room there’s a triangle symbol on right door
use the secret item battery and the secret door will open to unlock stage 9

step by step doors & rooms 3 chapter 2 stage 5 video guide

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