Tag Archives: Doors & Rooms 3 Chapter 2 Level 9

Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 2 Stage 9 Walkthrough

Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 2 Stage 9 Walkthrough – D&R3 game cheats where you use items to solve the puzzle & riddle to escape a room and find secret item.
Doors&Rooms 3 by gameday Inc. on android and ios iphone / ipad

doors and rooms 3 level 2-9 solution :
get an arrow from left box
take knife on board and use it to get magnet from right speaker
use magnet to get key from left wall, then dismantle it
open left cabinet with key for crossbow
combine arrow + crossbow and shoot on the device above door
take the paper on table and go to next room

get a paper on floor and battery on table
open middle box to get a cable
use knife to open left panel and connect the cable
turn on the electricity
use black paper on right screen, you will find 4 skeleton with different direction :
right – left – up – down
use these as clue to tap on the arrow on bottom left generator device
repeat the direction until the bars full

look at right wall, there are some dots
combine the black dots with the clue from paper to get numbers
enter 36728 on right keypad and unlock next room

get hammer on floor and diamond ring on left drawer
pick up taser on middle box and combine with battery
use the taser to kill the root on right and tap the handle
dismantle ring and combine diamond + hammer
use hammer to break right glass
get the ‘heart’ with knife

back to 2nd room
use taser on bottom right and get the tube
go to right room
combine heart + tube and insert it on left device
tap on these numbers : 6519
door will open and you can exit then escape to d&r 3 level 10

secret item to unlock doors & rooms 3 stage 10
use the taser 2x on the root on 1st room
break the glass with hammer and get the secret item hammer to open doors & rooms stage 10 from stage 6

step by step doors & rooms 3 chapter 2 stage 9 video guide

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