Tag Archives: lets escape level 6

Let’s Escape Stage 6 Walkthrough

Cheat for Let’s Escape Stage 6 Walkthrough – mobest media room escape guide how to find each room key by solving the puzzle on each level

step by step video answer :

lets escape level 6 solution
search for the key under the pillow and get paper from table
open the right book on the shelf for sd card
open left cabinet door with key and get a bottle
use the bottle on the paper under the book from the desk to reveal numbers

determine the correct number of code with the paper from table
open the 2nd table drawer from right desk to get a usb
plug in the usb to the computer, tap the puzzle and enter the code from paper

fix the bird puzzle for 3 code numbers
enter the code into the bottom right table drawer and get the key

next solution for lets escape level 7

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