Tag Archives: tiny spy mission 5 6 7 8 cheats

Tiny Spy Level 5 6 7 8 Walkthrough

Solution for Tiny Spy Level 5 6 7 8 Walkthrough – can you find the secret information in the rooms ? solve puzzles with your wits. Find information in every unknown corner ! there are 24 funny missions to beat on every room.
Tiny Spy By Hi Studio Limited / CamMax on iphone and android device

tiny spy niveau 5 6 7 8 cheat :

tiny spy mission 5 walkthrough
tap the heart cup on the table to get a key
open the right cabinet using key for a hammer head
get a stick from left vase
combine the hammer + stick for a complete hammer
open the sketch book on right to see a secret location
use the hammer to break the floor tile left to the lamp and get the compass

tiny spy mission 6 walkthrough
get a stick from tractor
get a blue cloth from fence
get a key from the plant and use it to open the barn for a hat
combine all items into a scarecrow and place it on the left side
press the crows to scare them and reveal code 638
tap the hays to get a blue box, open it using code for the item

tiny spy mission 7 walkthrough
tap the left and right lamp on floor, look at the green screen for code 382
get a jack tool on right chair
get a handle from blue cloth on left side
connect the handle to the jack and use it to lift the left box
enter the numbers on blue box to open and get the item

tiny spy mission 8 walkthrough
open the right drawer to get a scissors
look at the left bottle for hint : ca fe
tap the periodic table of the elements
to find the value for each element
tap the top cabinet and enter 20 26
get a spray inside
grab a tissue on the left and combine it with spray
tap the left monitor and use the tissue to reveal code :
x o x x x
x x x o x
o x x x o
x x o x x
tap the bottom left cabinet and slide the button like the code
use the scissors to cut the box open

tiny spy nivel 5 6 7 8 video guide :

In Tiny Spy, information is hidden in the unknown corners of the rooms. Challenge your brain to search for clues, solve puzzles and find the information out.
You think you can hide everything from me ? come on, man ! no information can escape from my shrewd eyes. Cause i’m tiny spy !

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