World Wonders Escape Level 6 Space Needle Walkthrough

Solutions for World Wonders Escape Level 6 Space Needle Walkthrough – The famous Seattle Space Needle! Build in 1962 for the World’s Fair it has become a true symbol of the Pacific Northwest. Play as adventurer to escape from the world’s most famous places with different room puzzle logic that hard to solve.
прохождение World Wonders Escape by Goblin LLC on iphone and android


world wonders escape level 6 walkthrough
get apples on table and click on the coffee machine
put on the apple and you need to solve the puzzle by changing the position of apple to orange
get key from coffee cup and use it to open the round cabinet for code clue 34
look at cash register and change the number into 34
you will get another numbers : 92
tap right keypad and enter 3492
door will open and you can proceed escape to stage 7


solution of world wonders escape level 6 video cheats guide :

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