100 Doors 4 Level 91 92 93 94 95 Walkthrough

Cheat for 100 Doors 4 Level 91 92 93 94 95 Walkthrough Zenfox escape game how to solve the puzzle door logic on each floor room and find the code numbers to escape 100 doors 4 niveau stage !
прохождение 100 Doors 4 by ZENFOX on android device


100 doors 4 level 91 walkthrough
get the handle on right and connect it to left wall
take 2 screw and add it to the left handle
pick up screwdriver and use it on the handle
get right oil and use it on left door hinge
open left door and tap the lever to open main door

100 doors 4 level 92 walkthrough
connect the puzzle picture to a complete one

100 doors 4 level 93 walkthrough
find map numbers with clue INFL
IN = 3
FL = 678
tap 3678 on keypad to open door

100 doors 4 level 94 walkthrough
collect 5 gears on this room then close the motor hatch on floor
get the key from left bag and use it on motor to open door

100 doors 4 level 95 walkthrough
tap the correct wooden fence to open :
2nd – 1st – 6th – 4th


Solve many puzzles, use items and use all potential of your mind to open the doors and escape from the rooms nivel.
return to all levels of 100 doors 4 walkthrough list

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