Wild West Escape Level 6 Walkthrough

Answers for Wild West Escape Level 6 Walkthrough to play as a traveller in the wild west and escape. A fine place to spend your free time, if you know what i mean… Can you solve the mysteries hidden there by solving puzzle on every room with items and codes ? Find the banknote on each niveau stage of wild west escape to get access for secret room !
прохождение Wild West Escape by Trapped on iphone and android


Wild West Escape Level 6 Cheats
get bottle on left bar, memorize the wanted number and cloth on red sofa
enter 5467 to open box on left side next to door, obtain a key
look at the table on middle, get the gun and use the key to open drawer
remember the cards : diamond spade heart
use it to open the box on right side of sofa, get another gun
combine cloth + bottle and use it to wipe the table for gun position :
left – down – left
tap right wall, put the gun on the missing spot and change the direction of each gun
get key and use it to open door, then escape to stage 7


video guide for wild west escape niveau 6 nivel walkthrough :

return to wild west escape walkthrough

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