Escape Genius Level 4 Walkthrough

Hints for Escape Genius Level 4 Walkthrough – you’re on a play room, find out how to solve puzzle logic code on this stage if you stuck so you can be an escape genius or you will be locked forever from this room !
прохождение Escape Genius by Mobest Media on iphone and android


Escape Genius Stage 4 Cheats
tap left seat to get a stick
take hook under the middle ball
get a rope on right seat
combine all items : stick + rope + hook
then use it on the left hole for key

pick up a cloth from right balloon house and use it on the left water
take it back to see a clue order of position
you need to find some shapes on these area

use the key to open left pump for board
now enter these shape :
5 3 7
get the key and use it to open door
proceed to escape genius stage 5


step by step escape genius level 4 video guide

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