Escape World’s Largest Hotel Level 7 Walkthrough

Answer for Escape World’s Largest Hotel Level 7 Walkthrough – You find yourself trapped in the huge hotel and your mission it to escape! This escape game has many different locations filled with epic puzzles. You need to break codes, find hidden objects and use your brain to find your way out.
прохождение Escape World’s Largest Hotel by Tedven / Mobest Media on iphone and android


Escape World’s Largest Hotel Stage 7 Cheats
pick up glue on right table
tap the tray on bed and get a knife
use knife to open hatch on floor for pin

look on left poster for SANDIG clue
use these code to match the color order from TV
take the handle on TV top left
tap right clock button panel on wall and press :
blue green blue red green red

tap right closet
use glue + handle to open it and get another pin
attach 2 pins on the right clock
now change the time like the hint on TV 07:15
tap the button and get the key
use it to open left door and you can escape to stage 8


step by step escape world’s largest hotel level 7 video guide

return to all levels of escape world’s largest hotel walkthrough list

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