Escape World’s Toughest Prison Level 12 Walkthrough

Answers for Escape World’s Toughest Prison Level 12 Walkthrough – Solve puzzle, cracking code, lock picking, find hidden objects and combine items to escape the prison rooms. Hurry up, the world’s toughest prison isn’t a nice place to spend your time – escape!
прохождение Escape World’s Toughest Prison by Tedven / Mobest Media on iphone and android


Escape World’s Toughest Prison Stage 12 Cheats
get a handle on left tray
pick up an apple on right table
memorize the cup handle direction on left table : left – down – right
look at the table plank on middle, change the direction like the clue and enter
get a knife tip and combine with the handle
use it to cut the knife on inventory
count the seed : 3 – 5

look at the red box on right floor
tap the arrow like the seed hints : left 3x and right 5x
obtain a paper clue inside
N -> 7
use the letters on each table and the paper clue to get the numbers :
T L N = 5 5 7
enter 557 on the door keypad to open it
proceed to escape world’s toughest prison stage 13


step by step escape world’s toughest prison level 12 video guide

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