Five Nights in Prison Walkthrough

Guide for Five Nights in Prison Walkthrough – There’s a block riot so the guards are busy, now is the time to escape the prison ! Test your skills for puzzle solving and logical thinking to crack the code on each stage room so you can find your way out through all level !
прохождение Five Nights in Prison by Mescape on iphone and android


Your cell mate will help you for the first stage :
Psst, Comrade! want to know a secret ? i’m getting out of here while all guards are busy with the block B riot.
Let me help you to get out of the cell. You have to make a key, look for appropriate materials.

All level of Five Nights in Prison solutions :
five nights in prison level 2 walkthrough
five nights in prison level 3 walkthrough
five nights in prison level 4 walkthrough
five nights in prison level 5 walkthrough
five nights in prison level 6 walkthrough
five nights in prison level 7 walkthrough
five nights in prison level 8 walkthrough
five nights in prison level 9 walkthrough

bonus pack
five nights in prison level 10 walkthrough
five nights in prison level 11 walkthrough
five nights in prison level 12 walkthrough
five nights in prison level 13 walkthrough
five nights in prison level 14 walkthrough
five nights in prison level 15 walkthrough

Five Nights in Prison Cheats
tap left window and get the wire
get 1st nail on the top right tank
take sink handle and 2nd nail on middle and use it as lever to get 3nd nail on left bed and get the green cloth
use all 3 nails on the left table
add wire to the nails to bend it then pick it up
combine wire and cloth together as patch key and use it to open right door


Here you re, comrade ! go, find your way out, move down to the corridor. I’ll look for another way. Hope we’ll meet behind these walls.

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  • Five Nights in Prison

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