Scary Escape Level 12 Walkthrough

Hint for Scary Escape Level 12 Walkthrough how to get out from your nightmare dreams through each rooms ! find hidden items, codes to solve puzzle and use it as key to open the door for next stage !
Scary Escape by Trapped on on iphone / android device


scary escape niveau 12 solution
take a scissors and bottle on left table
get a circle on table and use it to open the right coffin
get a bottle and cloth using scissors
put the cloth on the left plate and use the bottle to reveal eyes clue

tap the right wall above the coffin and tap these eye square :
o x o
o o o
x o x
get a statue

look at the left jar and place the bottle on the 3rd slot to get another statue
remember the shape of each animal :
1st jar = 0
2nd jar = 8
3rd jar = 9

put all 2 statue on the left side and remember the symbol on the circle
o – sit – knife – o
pick up triangle on the middle statue and enter the symbols under it to get a key

put the triangle on the middle table and count how many triangle ? = 9

go to the door and enter : 0899
insert key to the slot to open door and move out to level 13


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