World Wonders Escape Level 11 Big Ben Walkthrough

Answer for World Wonders Escape Level 11 Big Ben Walkthrough – Previously a famous prison, now the biggest symbol of London, Big Ben is a wonder all by itself! I hope you know how to dismantle clocks! Play as adventurer to escape from the world’s most famous places with different room puzzle logic that hard to solve.
прохождение World Wonders Escape by Goblin LLC on iphone and android


world wonders escape level 11 walkthrough
go down and get cloth from top right
use the cloth on right bucket
go up and clean the bell with cloth for code : 4529
tap left window and open the lock using the numbers
get the wrench and use it to get 5 gears on middle
go down and connect the gears on right for screwdriver
go up and use screwdriver to open box on middle for device
go down and place the device on left wall
now you need to make the arrows pointing up
go up and use screwdriver to open the glass
escape to stage 12


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