Category Archives: can you escape the 100 room IX

Can You Escape The 100 Room 9 Level 10 Walkthrough

Solution of Can You Escape The 100 Room 9 Level 10 Walkthrough – Find out how to solve the puzzle logic clue on each room level with explanation ! Do you think you have what it takes to succeed this escape adventure ?
Room Escape game answer Can you escape the 100 room IX by HKAppBond

video guide step by step solution of can you escape the 100 room 9 level 10 cheats :

Can You Escape The 100 Room IX Level 10 Walkthrough

get a bucket on left door
pick up handle on right table
look at right faucet and connect the handle then place the bucket
tap it to fill the bucket and pick it up

tap right sewer and get the purple block
now fill the water to the sewer and get a key
tap on left box and get a blue block
use the bucket on the pipe and get a chess knight piece
place it on right table and play the game

get the circle and place it on right wall
obtain the iron

look at middle box and place the missing block
connect the knife picture to get a knife
use key to open left door and get a rope hook

use the iron to open left manhole then use the rope to get the box
open the box with knife for bomb
place the bomb on middle door and play the puzzle game
you need to tap on the correct button and the door will open

Classic Escape Game “Can you Escape the 100 room IX” is here ! It is a classic puzzle game , If you like the challenge must not miss it!
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Can You Escape The 100 Room 9 Level 9 Walkthrough

Solution of Can You Escape The 100 Room 9 Level 9 Walkthrough – Find out how to solve the puzzle logic clue on each room level with explanation ! Do you think you have what it takes to succeed this escape adventure ?
Room Escape game answer Can you escape the 100 room IX by HKAppBond

video guide step by step solution of can you escape the 100 room 9 level 9 cheats :

Can You Escape The 100 Room IX Level 9 Walkthrough

look on the bed and change the bear color in order like the clue on right cart :
red – green – yellow – blue
get the model toy inside

look at right picture on wall and tap it to reveal hidden toy
place the missing toy and get a folder
look at left shelf for clue and use it to open left drawer
the animals are :
crocodile – deer – dinosaur – hippo – elephant

obtain a green ball inside
place the ball on the left box and play the game
get the star and place it on left round box
obtain the 2nd folder

place all the folder on right shelf
get a train toy and place it on the middle
play the puzzle game and hidden door will open

Classic Escape Game “Can you Escape the 100 room IX” is here ! It is a classic puzzle game , If you like the challenge must not miss it!
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Can You Escape The 100 Room 9 Level 8 Walkthrough

Solution of Can You Escape The 100 Room 9 Level 8 Walkthrough – Find out how to solve the puzzle logic clue on each room level with explanation ! Do you think you have what it takes to succeed this escape adventure ?
Room Escape game answer Can you escape the 100 room IX by HKAppBond

video guide step by step solution of can you escape the 100 room 9 level 8 cheats :

Can You Escape The 100 Room IX Level 8 Walkthrough

get a wheel on bed and wheel holder on left window
combine both item and place it under the cabinet table replacing the books

open left desk drawer to get TV remote and turn on the TV for clue
look at left shelf for another clue
tap right drawer and combine all the animals weight to make them balace
the answer is :
giraffe = 3
cow = 9
elephant = 5

obtain circle + key inside
open the book for 2nd circle
place all circle on right door and match the image
insert the key and escape

Classic Escape Game “Can you Escape the 100 room IX” is here ! It is a classic puzzle game , If you like the challenge must not miss it!
proceed to can you escape the 100 room 9 level 9 or back to complete solution of can you escape the 100 room 9 full walkthrough list

Can You Escape The 100 Room 9 Level 7 Walkthrough

Solution of Can You Escape The 100 Room 9 Level 7 Walkthrough – Find out how to solve the puzzle logic clue on each room level with explanation ! Do you think you have what it takes to succeed this escape adventure ?
Room Escape game answer Can you escape the 100 room IX by HKAppBond

video guide step by step solution of can you escape the 100 room 9 level 7 cheats :

Can You Escape The 100 Room IX Level 7 Walkthrough

look at right vase and get the paper clue + statue
open the paper clue and cut the paper into Z shape
pick up knife + sheath from left armor
get the 2nd statue on middle window

use the sheath to break right glass for cloth
combine sheath + cloth to get a torch
use knife on left lamp and add torch to get the fire from spark
place statues on right cabinet and match the position from paper clue
use the hose on right + torch to get out

Classic Escape Game “Can you Escape the 100 room IX” is here ! It is a classic puzzle game , If you like the challenge must not miss it!
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Can You Escape The 100 Room 9 Level 6 Walkthrough

Solution of Can You Escape The 100 Room 9 Level 6 Walkthrough – Find out how to solve the puzzle logic clue on each room level with explanation ! Do you think you have what it takes to succeed this escape adventure ?
Room Escape game answer Can you escape the 100 room IX by HKAppBond

video guide step by step solution of can you escape the 100 room 9 level 6 cheats :

Can You Escape The 100 Room IX Level 6 Walkthrough

look on middle door and get button on left wall
get a red button next to the chest on bottom right
change the chest symbol like the clue from wall
skull – eye – axes – bird
obtain 2 statues and place them on middle to get 2nd button

get a blue eye button on left chest
place 2 eyes button on left and play the game
obtain a shield and place it on right armor
get the 3rd button

look at the left door and place all buttons
now you need to order the buttons using the clue on each symbol
obtain the arrow and star
place the arrow on right door and play the game
get the 2nd star

put all stars on elft chest for statue key
use the key to open middle door and escape

Classic Escape Game “Can you Escape the 100 room IX” is here ! It is a classic puzzle game , If you like the challenge must not miss it!
proceed to can you escape the 100 room 9 level 7 or back to complete solution of can you escape the 100 room 9 full walkthrough list

Can You Escape The 100 Room 9 Level 5 Walkthrough

Solution of Can You Escape The 100 Room 9 Level 5 Walkthrough – Find out how to solve the puzzle logic clue on each room level with explanation ! Do you think you have what it takes to succeed this escape adventure ?
Room Escape game answer Can you escape the 100 room IX by HKAppBond

video guide step by step solution of can you escape the 100 room 9 level 5 cheats :

Can You Escape The 100 Room IX Level 5 Walkthrough

tap on book on left table to get a photo
place the photo on right wall next to clock
the photo is mirrored, so change the time like the mirrored time
obtain a magnet and use it to get a number on right cabinet

tap on middle drawer for screwdriver
use it to open the box on left side for battery
get the flashlight on right and insert the battery

tap under the right couch for 2nd number under the book
open left table drawer and use the flashlight for 3rd number

get the plank on left floor and use it to reach left shelf
get the 4th number
look at the right door and insert all the numbers
now solve the math numbers

Classic Escape Game “Can you Escape the 100 room IX” is here ! It is a classic puzzle game , If you like the challenge must not miss it!
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Can You Escape The 100 Room 9 Level 4 Walkthrough

Solution of Can You Escape The 100 Room 9 Level 4 Walkthrough – Find out how to solve the puzzle logic clue on each room level with explanation ! Do you think you have what it takes to succeed this escape adventure ?
Room Escape game answer Can you escape the 100 room IX by HKAppBond

video guide step by step solution of can you escape the 100 room 9 level 4 cheats :

Can You Escape The 100 Room IX Level 4 Walkthrough

get the food on left table and use it to dog on right
pick up the button
tap the keyboard and get another button on floor

look on right cabinet drawer and put the missing button
now order the button using the year clue from photo on wall
obtain the camera

tap on the CD player to get a battery
insert it to the camera to get a ballerina pose clue

tap the box on middle and use the ballerina pose as the answer
get the button and place it on the door
play the puzzle and open the door

Classic Escape Game “Can you Escape the 100 room IX” is here ! It is a classic puzzle game , If you like the challenge must not miss it!
proceed to can you escape the 100 room 9 level 5 or back to complete solution of can you escape the 100 room 9 full walkthrough list

Can You Escape The 100 Room 9 Level 3 Walkthrough

Solution of Can You Escape The 100 Room 9 Level 3 Walkthrough – Find out how to solve the puzzle logic clue on each room level with explanation ! Do you think you have what it takes to succeed this escape adventure ?
Room Escape game answer Can you escape the 100 room IX by HKAppBond

video guide step by step solution of can you escape the 100 room 9 level 3 cheats :

Can You Escape The 100 Room IX Level 3 Walkthrough

tap on right shelf
get blue tablet and knife
look on right table and get a cyan tablet
use knife to get battery out from the device

tap on left table
get a light bulb and open the drawer to get a cutter
insert the light bulb on right lamp to reveal numbers : 9586
use the cutter to cut the wire on left drawer
obtain the cable and connect it to left device for hand X-Ray

change the hand fingers position like the clue :
3 – 6 – 7 – 11 – 15

get the yellow tablet and device
pick up purple tablet on left table and connect the device
charge the battery with the device and insert it on the middle
enter the code : 9586 to get red tablet and hammer

put all the tablet on middle and play the puzzle game
you need to order the numbers from 1 to 12 start from top

get the nitrogen device to freeze the lock on right door
crush it with hammer and open the door

Classic Escape Game “Can you Escape the 100 room IX” is here ! It is a classic puzzle game , If you like the challenge must not miss it!
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Can You Escape The 100 Room 9 Level 2 Walkthrough

Solution of Can You Escape The 100 Room 9 Level 2 Walkthrough – Find out how to solve the puzzle logic clue on each room level with explanation ! Do you think you have what it takes to succeed this escape adventure ?
Room Escape game answer Can you escape the 100 room IX by HKAppBond

video guide step by step solution of can you escape the 100 room 9 level 2 cheats :

Can You Escape The 100 Room IX Level 2 Walkthrough

tap on left foosball table
pick up a cup on right table and fill it with coffee on left
tap on right cabinet keypad and use the coffee to reveal the numbers

get the button inside and go back
get a ping pong paddle under left cabinet
pick up remote tv near the ball on floor
turn on the TV with remote and memorize the order of running
look at clue on right picture : AUGUST WINNER

tap on right map and place the button
now you need to match the sport 2016 winner location
get the book and open it for paper clue

combine all clue and you will get :
2016 winner – 18 year old = 1998
birthday date 18
August Winner = 8

enter MM/DD/YYYY for the keypad code : 08181998

Classic Escape Game “Can you Escape the 100 room IX” is here ! It is a classic puzzle game , If you like the challenge must not miss it!
proceed to can you escape the 100 room 9 level 3 or back to complete solution of can you escape the 100 room 9 full walkthrough list

Can You Escape The 100 Room 9 Level 1 Walkthrough

Solution of Can You Escape The 100 Room 9 Level 1 Walkthrough – Find out how to solve the puzzle logic clue on each room level with explanation ! Do you think you have what it takes to succeed this escape adventure ?
Room Escape game answer Can you escape the 100 room IX by HKAppBond

video guide step by step solution of can you escape the 100 room 9 level 1 cheats :

Can You Escape The 100 Room IX Level 1 Walkthrough

look on left table and pick up the handle
tap on middle table and connect the handle to gramophone
take the device and put it on the middle floor
obtain the item and connect it to the left robot
tap on left clock and use the clue from the robot to match the time
7:00 – 1:25 – 10:25
get the red robot block and put it on middle right wall

play the puzzle game and solve it
you need to place the robot color on the correct battery color
obtain the blue botton and place it on right wall
change the color like the clue :
yellow – purple – blue
purple – yellow – green

Classic Escape Game “Can you Escape the 100 room IX” is here ! It is a classic puzzle game , If you like the challenge must not miss it!
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