Escape Fever Level 9 Walkthrough

Cheat for Escape Fever Level 9 Walkthrough – Find code numbers if you stuck on the logic for this stage and solve puzzle to get key for this door so you can escape the room !
прохождение Escape Fever by Mobest Media on iphone and android


Escape Fever Stage 9 Cheats
get wrench behind right radio
take a tool behind bed
move the pillow on bed for sim card
get a zipper under the right bag
connect the zipper to bag and open it for tape

use wrench to open left table drawer
connect the picture line to get a plate
get phone on right table
tap dog cat picture for small broom

insert sim card to phone for clue 173
enter this code to open table drawer
get the key and use it to open top drawer
get the saw and combine it with the tool

use the saw to cut the right window bars
get the stick and diamond
combine stick with broom + tape and use it to get heart behind heater on left corner
take spade under the right rug

place all cards on the plate and get the key to open door then proceed to escape fever stage 10


step by step escape fever level 9 video guide

return to escape fever walkthrough list

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