Scary Escape Level 6 Walkthrough

Answers for Scary Escape Level 6 Walkthrough how to get out from your nightmare dreams through each rooms ! find hidden items, codes to solve puzzle and use it as key to open the door for next stage !
Scary Escape by Trapped on on iphone / android device


scary escape niveau 6 solution
pick up seed on white paper on left side
get a bottle on right table
pick up a sprayer on left chest box, combine with the bottle then spray it to the plant so the box open
get a blue bottle

look behind the chest, make all 3 lamps direction to the plant
put the seed and add the bottle to grow the carnivore plant

memorize the clue on right wall next to the door for the order :
1 – 3 – 2
use the carnivore plant to eat the left plant with the correct order
get a leaf inside the book and put it on the microscope on right table
remember the pattern and use it to the box under the left table
get the key inside and use it to open door
exit to level 7


scary escape nivel 6 video cheats guide

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