House of 100 Zombies Level 5 Walkthrough

Answers for House of 100 Zombies Level 5 Walkthrough – Can you escape from attic house of 100 zombies ? find weapon to kill the zombie, collect items and clue to escape, combine and solve puzzles with and multiple puzzles to solve and challenges to complete.
прохождение House of 100 Zombies by Amphibius Developers on android device


House of 100 Zombies Level 5 Cheats :
take a knife on floor and use it to kill zombie on left
use knife to cut ball on left table and take the bomb
place the bomb on left pot and lit it using matches from middle basket
take the key inside and use it to open middle basket
take the curtain and place it on right side to reveal code : 451
enter the number to left lock on right box

if you look on the hanging shirt there are some pie numbers, find the ? using pattern logic :
blue shirt = x2 so the answer is 16×2 = 37
yellow shirt = -7 so the answer is 36-7 = 29
black shirt = x2 (facing numbers) so 8×2 = 16
enter 372916 to open right lock of the right box
get saw inside and use it to cut on right wood for key inside

use key to open middle box for spray bottle
kill the bees on ceiling using the spray and get the key to open the floor door
escape to stage 6


step by step house of 100 zombies level 5 video guide

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