Category Archives: doors & rooms 3

Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 10 Walkthrough

Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 10 Walkthrough – D&R3 game cheats where you use items to solve the puzzle & riddle to escape a room and find secret item.
Doors&Rooms 3 by gameday Inc. on android and ios iphone / ipad

doors and rooms 3 level 1-10 solution :
open table drawer for screwdriver
pick up bullet on floor
open left box and get a gun
combine bullet + gun and use it on the elevator lock
move inside

get a bullet on floor and take the paper on left side
use screwdriver to open the bottom left hatch
tap the lever so it hit the light at the same time
press the 2nd floor button
go out

open the box on floor to get a tweezers
open table drawer for light bulb
combine bullet + gun and use it on the right power
get the key

pick up bottle on floor and use it on the plate
place the paper to see numbers : 154839
use tweezer to pick up the paper

look at the card symbol on this room :
spade = 2
club = 5
diamond = 1

tap left table, click on the switch to turn off the power
put on the light bulb then place the paper to see yellow and green numbers
back to elevator to see the another symbol :
heart = 3

go down and find more card symbols :
spade = 6
diamond = 4

order the numbers 1 – 5 :
diamond – spade – heart – diamond – club – spade
so press these button on the elevator :
down – left – right – down – up – left
a hatch will open get the coin on right side
go out and place the coin on left panel
enter :
1 green
5 yellow
4 green
8 yellow
3 green
9 green
use key to remove the gun chain and get the gun
combine screwdriver + gun then dismantle the gun
go to elevator and connect the lift button
tap floor 1 and escape !

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Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 9 Walkthrough

Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 9 Walkthrough – D&R3 game cheats where you use items to solve the puzzle & riddle to escape a room and find secret item.
Doors&Rooms 3 by gameday Inc. on android and ios iphone / ipad

doors and rooms 3 level 1-9 solution :
get indian doll on cabinet
open cabinet drawer to get a pipe
pick up shoe on floor
tap right panel and solve the picture puzzle to get key
use the key to open the floor door

get a bottle on bookshelf
open left cabinet to get a pipe
pick up crowbar on right corner
take the bamboo right to fireplace
dismantle the bottle inside inventory bag
dismantle shoe to get lace
combine powder + bamboo + lace
place the bamboo on right wall
combine 2 pipe together
use crowbar to open floor tile
connect the pipe and tap the open button
use the bottle on the left faucet
tap left stove to lit the fire
use the indian doll on the fire then use it on fireplace then the bamboo on right wall
go to right room

use the indian doll on the heater
pick up magnet on the cabinet
use the bottle on the teapot
you will see the clue on wall :
x o o x x
o x o x o

go back to left room and look on the table
place the magnet on map to see the direction :
red = 7
brown = 2
green = 9
purple = 5
go up and tap the puzzle on wall like the clue
now go down and use bottle on faucet
use bottle on the fireplace to get the key secret item

back to right room and open the cabinet lock with code :
get a key inside and use it to open the door
escape to level 10

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Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 8 Walkthrough

Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 8 Walkthrough – D&R3 game cheats where you use items to solve the puzzle & riddle to escape a room and find secret item.
Doors&Rooms 3 by gameday Inc. on android and ios iphone / ipad

doors and rooms 3 level 1-8 solution :
tap left table to get a tape
open bottom drawer to get a brush
pick up key on top of blue safe on right
get powder from plant
combine powder + brush and use it on left cup for fingerprint
use tape on fingerprint to get a copy
tap right panel and use tape on it
go inside right room

open right trash can for paper code
horse = down left
triangle = down right
umbrella = down right
fish = down left
go back and tap on right wall
change the position of each frame like clue
back to right room

get a blue tank on left side and use it to left lever
tap the lever down to remove the laser
use key to open A locker and take the drill
solve the puzzle on right panel to open door and move to right

open left safe to get drill tip
open right safe to get key
go back and open B locker with key and get saw tip
combine A + B key and use it to open AB locker
obtain a lever handle inside
go to right room

connect the lever on the left wall and tap it to remove the laser

go to left room twice
combine drill + saw and use it to cut the lock of the blue safe
obtain a device inside
dismantle the drill and combine with drill tip

go to right room twice
use drill on the safe and use the device
now tap the button until the cog hole pointing up then press red button
open safe and you can pick up the key
go back to 1st room
use key to open door and escape to level 9

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Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 7 Walkthrough

Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 7 Walkthrough – D&R3 game cheats where you use items to solve the puzzle & riddle to escape a room and find secret item.
Doors&Rooms 3 by gameday Inc. on android and ios iphone / ipad

doors and rooms 3 level 1-7 solution :
open bottom box to get a block
open drawer for key
open top cabinet for bottle
go to right room

get a knife on right table
pick up cheese on left table
take cork screw on left table
use key to open left door and go inside

combine knife and block to make the knife sharp
use knife to cut on the rope
open box on middle and get a key
get a powder from right sack
take a wine bottle from shelf and combine with cork screw
combine cheese + wine
give the cheese to the rat hole on right and get a T key
go to left room and back to upstairs

insert T key to left side of bookshelf
tap the middle book and insert the key
solve the puzzle then go out

enter the middle door
open the box on corner right to get a bird
combine water + powder and use it on left clock
go back

place the bird to the left clock
press all the button to see clue
go to middle room and tap on the box
enter :
7 3
5 9
press the bird button and get the coin inside
go out and place the coin on right slot to open door
escape to stage 8

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Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 6 Walkthrough

Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 6 Walkthrough – D&R3 game cheats where you use items to solve the puzzle & riddle to escape a room and find secret item.
Doors&Rooms 3 by gameday Inc. on android and ios iphone / ipad

doors and rooms 3 level 1-6 solution :
get the mop on middle and open left box to get a bottle
combine both items then clean bottom left floor to see clue
tap the picture on middle and press these symbol :
3rd 4th 2nd 1st 3rd 1st
obtain a key and use it to open bottom drawer for battery
place the battery on left panel and press up button
go to next room

pick up saw and bottle on right
use mop to reach the ceiling and get the wrench that drop on floor
use wrench to open left panel then press the lever
go back

look at the ipad on right table for direction clue :
left left right left right
use saw to get bar on right ceiling
use bottle to clean right safe
connect the bar to the safe and get the stethoscope

go to left room
use stethoscope on the safe, now use the clue from ipad and every time you hear a sound you need to tap on the middle button
press left 3x – middle button
press left 2x – middle button
press right 3x – middle button
press left 6x – middle button
press right 4x – middle button
get the key inside and go back
use key to open door and escape

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Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 5 Walkthrough

Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 5 Walkthrough – D&R3 game cheats where you use items to solve the puzzle & riddle to escape a room and find secret item.
Doors&Rooms 3 by gameday Inc. on android and ios iphone / ipad

doors and rooms 3 level 1-5 solution :
get a knife on table
go to right room
get umbrella on middle and use it to reach the ceiling
solve the puzzle arrow using this answer :
06 01 02 05
07 08 14 15
11 10 03 04
12 09 13 16
get the blue diamond

use knife to open left floor plank
go to left room
use knife to cut the purple curtain and place the diamond on the statue’s eye
get the diamond back

move up using right stairs
take glasses and lighter from the broken glass
pick up pen from table
combine pen + diamond and use it on the mirror to get a secret item
dismantle the pen

go down and right room
get the gum on table
combine gum + lighter and use it on right wall
now use pen to turn on the lighter
get key from the hole and back to left room

use the glasses to see clue on table :
5 9 2
1 7 4
3 8 6
openright panel with the key and tap on the correct number order
get key and move to right room
use key to open door and escape to level 6

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Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 4 Walkthrough

Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 4 Walkthrough – D&R3 game cheats where you use items to solve the puzzle & riddle to escape a room and find secret item.
Doors&Rooms 3 by gameday Inc. on android and ios iphone / ipad

doors and rooms 3 level 1-4 solution :
move the pillow on bed to get a wrench
open the window and get a wire
get 1st piece of plate above book on green cabinet
tap the picture on middle until it fall down
get 2nd piece of plate
combine both plate together and use it on the left shield
take the sword

open right cabinet and get gloves
pick up 2 light bulb on floor and left lamp
open right panel using screwdriver
use gloves to get the 3rd light bulb

use sword to open the table using sword and place all light bulb inside
press on to see the puzzle
here’s the answer :
2nd – 4th – 3rd – 4th – 1st – 3rd
get a key inside and use it to open the cabinet

go inside
open box on table and get a star screwdriver tip
tap right panel
dismantle screwdriver and combine with star tip
use screwdriver to open the screws
get a crown inside

go out
place the crown on shield to get the axe
go inside the cabinet
use the axe to open left lock on the panel
get the hook and combine it with wire

look at the floor sink and use the wire to get screwdriver diamond tip
dismantle screwdriver and combine with the diamond tip
use screwdriver to unscrew left panel and press the button
the fan will stop and you can escape to stage 5

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Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 3 Walkthrough

Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 3 Walkthrough – D&R3 game cheats where you use items to solve the puzzle & riddle to escape a room and find secret item.
Doors&Rooms 3 by gameday Inc. on android and ios iphone / ipad

doors and rooms 3 level 1-3 solution :
pick up wrench on left table
tap small cabinet on right for spray bottle
use the spray on car’s plate to see numbers : 4885
tap right keypad and enter code to open, go inside

open the left locker to get a pipe
tap right gear and take the car remote

go back and use the remote on car to open
go inside car and open the hatch for key then press the right button to open car’s trunk
use the wrench on car’s trunk to take out the engine

go inside the room and use key to open the box on table
obtain a gear inside
go out and use the gear on left box then tap the handle
the floor hatch will open
get the gear back then go down
take the jerry can
press on right device on wall
press the button in seconds and release it : 3 4 2 5
get A key

go up to right door and open the A locker with key
get cable inside
combine cable + engine

tap on the car’s fuel
combine jerry can + pipe then use it on the hole
go down

use the engine on right water to kill the fish
get a bottle
dismantle the bottle to get key

tap on left device, use the jerry can on it
insert the key and use the remote to open the hatch
place the gear and tap the handle
get secret item inside the left box
take the gear out and tap on the handle, tap the handle again to exit for stage 4

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Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 2 Walkthrough

Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 2 Walkthrough – D&R3 game cheats where you use items to solve the puzzle & riddle to escape a room and find secret item.
Doors&Rooms 3 by gameday Inc. on android and ios iphone / ipad

doors and rooms 3 level 1-2 solution :
open left closet to get a helmet
move the paper on table to get a sim card
open left cabinet drawer for phone without sim card
combine both item together and use it on the computer
connect the puzzle image on monitor
tap the right button to open door and memorize the code by reading it upside down : 7739

go to inside the room and tap on the box on right corner to enter code
obtain a sim card
pick up crowbar on right
open right closet to get a brick

use crowbar to open left floor hatch
look into the hatch using helmet then use the brick to the water
pick up a key and use it to open the box on middle right
stop all the needle on the blue area

dismantle the phone and connect the phone + new sim card
use the phone on the tube to get key
now use red key to open the right door

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Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 1 Walkthrough

Doors and Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 1 Walkthrough – D&R3 game cheats where you use items to solve the puzzle & riddle to escape a room and find secret item.
Doors&Rooms 3 by gameday Inc. on android and ios iphone / ipad

doors and rooms 3 level 1-1 solution :
get a remote on table
open the cabinet table to get 1st leaf
get a flower from plant on table

open 3rd drawer from right cabinet for batteries
move the carpet on right to get 2nd leaf

combine batteries + remote then use it on TV to see code : 2475
use these code to open the cabinet on the corner
place 3 items to the box inside : leaf – flower – leaf
open the box for key and use it to open toilet door

get a watering can on bottom left and use it on bathtub for water
open the toilet seat to get a plastic
dismantle the plastic to get wrench
tap the washbin and remove the right handle tap with wrench

connect the handle to the cabinet and open it
get a make up and blade inside

go out and tap on the bird picture on wall
use the blade to cut it to see safe
use the make up to see the finger print, press :
x o x
o x x
o x o

take the green key inside
use watering can to the plant and pick up the worm
give the worm to bird on birdcage and take the secret item “secret room key”
open left door with key and escape to level 2

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