Daily Room Escape March 22 2024 Walkthrough

Today Daily Room Escape March 22 2024 Walkthrough – Explore the room for clues to find a way to unlock the door and escape. Unique solution every day !
Daily Room Escape online game by crazygames

Daily Room Escape 22 March
go to right room and look at 4 books color on bookshelf :
green – yellow – red – blue
back to room with door and open right
get a hammer
break the lamp to reveal : 3244 +

go to room with orange sofa and break right lamp
you will see 1648 +
open left cabinet and get a paper with numbers

go to room with TV and combine all numbers
3244 + 1648 + 1861 = ?
enter the code on left cabinet : 6753
get a paper with green label

go to room with TV look at the left shelf
remember the clock’s number :
hour = 7
minute = 21
second = 2
use it to open the safe on right side
get the battery inside

go to room with orange sofa
memorize the clock’s hands :
hour = 8
minute = 1
second = 37
go to room with fireplace and open right safe box
get a flashlight

combine the flashlight + battery
use it on the fireplace
get a paper with green label

solve the picture above fireplace and get a paper with letter O

go to room with door and look at the clock’s time on right shelf :
3 : 33 : 35
use this code to open left safe box on room with fireplace
get a screwdriver

go to room with door and use screwdriver to open the knob on left wall
get a paper with green label
memorize the books color on right shelf : pink – blue – orange
use the color code on right cabinet of room with orange sofa
get a paper with green label

go to room with fireplace and open the toolbox with the paper code :
1. You use a knife
2. To slice my head
3. And weep beside me
4. When I am dead
the answer is ONION
get a paper with letter R

go to the room with door
combine all letters in rooms :
plant vase on left : O
right shelf : N
fireplace tool : H
papers : O and R
enter HONOR on the toolbox and get the key
get the key inside

Come back tomorrow for an all new puzzle !

Daily Room Escape March 21 2024 Walkthrough

Today Daily Room Escape March 21 2024 Walkthrough – Explore the room for clues to find a way to unlock the door and escape. Unique solution every day !
Daily Room Escape online game by crazygames

Daily Room Escape 21 March
look at the clock on right shelf
time = 6:14:29
go to right room with TV
open the safe with the time code
get a hammer inside

go to room with orange sofa
use the hammer to break the lamps to reveal numbers :
242+ and 298+

go to room with fireplace and open left safe for paper clue
combine all numbers
242+ 298+ 269 =

use the code to open the left cabinet on room with TV
enter 809 and get red gem
look at the DVD player under the TV
the light colors are blue – red – green
enter this color on right cabinet to get green gem

go to room with orange sofa
look at the right alarm clock
hour = 4
minute = 21
second = 39
use this code to open the right safe of the room with fireplace
from outer to inner and get a flashlight inside

connect the picture above fireplace
get a paper with letter L

go to room with TV
look at left shelf with bottom book colors :
red – pink – yellow – light blue – dark blue – green – purple – orange
now go to room with orange sofa
enter the colors on the left cabinet
get a battery inside

combine flashlight + battery
go to room with fireplace
use the flashlight on the fireplace to get yellow gem

go to room with TV
look at left shelf with middle book colors :
pink – purple – orange – dark blue – yellow – light blue
go to room with door and enter the color code
get a knife inside

go to room with orange sofa
use the knife to cut the middle pillow open
get a blue gem

go to room with fireplace
put all the 4 gems into the toolbox on right shelf
get a paper with letter Y

combine all letters in the rooms :
vase plant near door = R
vase plant near fireplace = E
vase plant near orange sofa = P
papers = Y and L

go to room with door
open the toolbox on the left with code : REPLY
get the key inside

Come back tomorrow for an all new puzzle !

Daily Room Escape March 20 2024 Walkthrough

Today Daily Room Escape March 20 2024 Walkthrough – Explore the room for clues to find a way to unlock the door and escape. Unique solution every day !
Daily Room Escape online game by crazygames

Daily Room Escape 20 March
tap on left bag and pick up the paper inside
memorize the clock’s time 09:05:05

go to right room with TV
open right cabinet to get the paper
open left cabinet with clock’s code : 955
get a wrench inside
use it to open the air vent on top
get a yellow gem

go to room with fireplace
you need to tap the same color :
d d r b
g p y b
y p g r
get a paper with letter R

go to room with orange sofa
look at the alarm clock on right shelf :
enter the code on right safe : 795
get the hammer inside

use it to break the lamps to reveal :
letter K and 226+

back to left room with fireplace
use hammer to break the vase above fireplace
get the green gem

go to room with TV
use hammer to break left lamp to reveal :

go to room with orange sofa
combine the numbers : 333+226+160= ?
enter the code into the safe on left : 719
get the red gem inside

look at the morse code on the middle wall above the sofa
match the code from the paper on inventory
you will get : 586

go to room with door
enter the code 5 – 8 – 6
get the blue gem

go to room with fireplace
look at the toolbox on right shelf
put all the gems on it
get a paper with letter T

go to room with door
there’s a toolbox on left side with 5 letters
combine all letters from rooms :
S from the top cabinet of room with TV
K from the room with orange sofa
I from the plant vase of room with fireplace
add letters from paper R and T

you will get SKIRT
enter the code on toolbox and you will get a key
use the key and open the door

Come back tomorrow for an all new puzzle !

Daily Room Escape March 19 2024 Walkthrough

Today Daily Room Escape March 19 2024 Walkthrough – Explore the room for clues to find a way to unlock the door and escape. Unique solution every day !
Daily Room Escape online game by crazygames

Daily Room Escape 19 March
look at the clock on left wall
go to the right and tap on the safe
like the clock hint you need to change the number
from short hand to long hand
hour hand = 5
minute hand = 15
seconds hand = 35
so the answer from outer to inner :
5 – 15 – 35

get the hammer inside
use it to break the lamp on the right and it will reveal the number :
2835 +

go to left room with door and break the lamp
2589 +

go to the room with 2 orange chair
open the right safe on wall
get the paper inside
1370 = ?

back to the room with TV
look at right cabinet with buttons and enter
get paper inside

go to room with door
look at right shelf with book color :
blue – orange – pink

go to room with orange sofa
enter the color
get the battery

go to room with TV and look at left bookshelf
memorize the color :
yellow – light blue- orange – pink – purple – dark blue

go to room with door
tap on the right shelf and enter the color
get the knife inside

go to room with fireplace
use knife on the right chair to get a paper

go to room with orange sofa
look at right window with rainbow color from outer to inner :
green – orange – yellow – purple – red – blue

go to room with TV
tap left cabinet and enter the color
get the paper inside

go to room with orange sofa
enter the code on right cabinet from the clock’s number on the shelf
3 – 8 – 2
get a flashlight inside

open the flashlight on inventory
insert the battery inside

go to room with fireplace
use the flashlight on the fireplace
get another paper

look at the toolbox on right shelf
now inspect paper on inventory :
1. Three lives have I
2. Gentle enough to soothe the skin
3. Light enough to caress the sky
4. Hard enough to crack rocks

the answer is WATER
get the paper with letter T

look at the puzzle above fireplace
solve the cat picture
get the paper with letter N

go to room with TV and you can find letters on plants :
R and F
go to room with fireplace and you can find letters :
on fireplace tool : O

go to room with door
look at left toolbox
combine all letters you can get from paper and rooms
you will get FRONT
get the key and use it to open the door !

Come back tomorrow for an all new puzzle !

Can You Escape The 100 Room 10 Walkthrough

Full Solutions of Can You Escape The 100 Room 10 Walkthrough – Find out how to solve the puzzle logic clue on each room level if you stuck and can’t figure out how or what the explanation ! 50 rooms, 50 challenge, waiting for you to escape!!!
Room Escape game answer Can you escape the 100 room X by HKAppBond

Can you escape the 100 room 10 walkthrough

All 50 Levels of Can You Escape The 100 Room X Cheats :

Classic Escape Game “Can you Escape the 100 room X” is here ! It is a classic puzzle game , If you like the challenge must not miss it!
The new 50 room escape, Let you can’t stop, start your brain cells, your observations, your judgment, your calculations, trying to escape … If you love puzzle games, you will not miss such a wonderful 50 rooms of can you escape the 100 room challenge!

My Escape Puzzle Level 81 82 83 84 85 Walkthrough

Solution for My Escape Puzzle Level 81 82 83 84 85 Walkthrough – There are no help or hints inside this game ! so if you need help to solve the hard puzzle logic to solve 🙂 find items, look for codes or puzzle hidden somewhere in this room and try your best to find the solution ! if you feel frustrated then get all the answers here with explanation !
room escape game by 10P STUDIO on iOS and Android

My Escape Puzzle Level 81 Walkthrough
get the broken record and use it on the iron to make it work again
put the record on gramophone

now apply the mirrored symbols of 9 on paper to the board

My Escape Puzzle Level 82 Walkthrough
pick up the knife and drag it to the green and black mirror
place it under left and right cabinet foot
take a look on the mirror to find the symbols

the answer is :
from green mirror :
9 = black triangle up
6 = triangle up
3 = square (leave it)
from black mirror :
8 = triangle down
9 = black triangle down

My Escape Puzzle Level 83 Walkthrough
get the water from fireplace and use it to put out the fire
look at the paper for clue
o x o
x x o
o o x
move the cabinet and apply it to the buttons to get a lever

look at the chef buttons and apply the direction from dish plate :
up – right
left – down
connect the lever and tap it to get a ladder to escape

My Escape Puzzle Level 84 Walkthrough
take the knife and use it to get hook from fish
use the hook on sewer to get a board
get the cloth on right and use it to clean the floor
12369 = 7 so you need to trace the numbers on floor to get the number shape

apply these numbers :
258 = 1
123654789 = 2
321456987 = 5
123698741 = 0
enter the numbers on keypad code : 1250 to open the door

My Escape Puzzle Level 85 Walkthrough
coming soon

The task is simple, solve the puzzle to open the door ! sometimes you need to find key and in order to do that you also need to find the puzzle and escape the room ! follow the instruction here to help you solve all My Escape Puzzle Walkthrough list !

My Escape Puzzle Level 76 77 78 79 80 Walkthrough

Solutions for My Escape Puzzle Level 76 77 78 79 80 Walkthrough – There are no help or hints inside this game ! so if you need help to solve the hard puzzle logic to solve 🙂 find items, look for codes or puzzle hidden somewhere in this room and try your best to find the solution ! if you feel frustrated then get all the answers here with explanation !
room escape game by 10P STUDIO on iOS and Android

My Escape Puzzle Level 76 Walkthrough
tap on the biscuit and count on the cookies for each biscuit
enter 3 8 7 5 on safebox and get the mask
put it on left statue

look on the calendar and open the drawer with circle position

My Escape Puzzle Level 77 Walkthrough
look at the weather forecast : raining = saturday
tap the newspaper for clue : october and halloween

change the dates on table into :
Oct – 31

My Escape Puzzle Level 78 Walkthrough
open the left drawer for lens and paper piece
use the lens on the telescope for star constellation of LIBRA
get screwdriver to open the telescope panel for another paper piece

combine the letters from paper and you will get LIBRA
enter the code on door to open it

My Escape Puzzle Level 79 Walkthrough
get the matches and use it on the firewoods for arrow + numbers
tap on the box and turn it with arrow direction

get the wheel and connect it on chair
move the chair to right so the door open

My Escape Puzzle Level 80 Walkthrough
look at the paper for Dr.Alice clue
tap the book for the order to press on the music device on right
tap on x 2 1 x 4 3 x
you will see the new pattern :
right 3x – left 2x – right 1x – left 1x

open the safe box from bottom drawer
tap on the arrow like the pattern to get the necklace
hang it on left wall and door will open

The task is simple, solve the puzzle to open the door ! sometimes you need to find key and in order to do that you also need to find the puzzle and escape the room ! follow the instruction here to help you solve all My Escape Puzzle Walkthrough list !

My Escape Puzzle Level 71 72 73 74 75 Walkthrough

Solution for My Escape Puzzle Level 71 72 73 74 75 Walkthrough – There are no help or hints inside this game ! so if you need help to solve the hard puzzle logic to solve 🙂 find items, look for codes or puzzle hidden somewhere in this room and try your best to find the solution ! if you feel frustrated then get all the answers here with explanation !
room escape game by 10P STUDIO on iOS and Android

My Escape Puzzle Level 71 Walkthrough
tap the right glass and connect the symbols
you will get 3 circles

put them in correct position using the clue from paper

My Escape Puzzle Level 72 Walkthrough
The picture in the right explain how to paint the snake in the left (touch it to paint the white rectangles).
The serie 2-3-6-11 means 0 white gaps, 2 white gaps and 4 white gaps
So the next one is 6 white gaps and the last one is 8 white gaps

now paint black 2-3-6-11-18-27 on the snake
Then you will find a paper with holes to find the 4 numbers of each symbol
the answer is :
1st symbol : 3270
2nd symbol : 3478
3rd symbol : 6293

My Escape Puzzle Level 73 Walkthrough
look at the symbols and follow the direction + position for the clock from paper

tap on :
top – down – down left
top – down left – down

My Escape Puzzle Level 74 Walkthrough
look at the symbols on books
apply it in correct order to the right circle

from top to bottom :
Z – V – .7

My Escape Puzzle Level 75 Walkthrough
get cd and insert it on DVD then tap it to see color :
purple – green – blue – red – yellow
pick up paper on left and use it on the device on left table

tap the square on the correct position
x x x 4 x
x x x x 5
x 2 x x x
x x 3 x x
1 x x x x
get the paper and put it on right wall
the door will open and you can proceed to next level

The task is simple, solve the puzzle to open the door ! sometimes you need to find key and in order to do that you also need to find the puzzle and escape the room ! follow the instruction here to help you solve all My Escape Puzzle Walkthrough list !

My Escape Puzzle Level 66 67 68 69 70 Walkthrough

Solutions for My Escape Puzzle Level 66 67 68 69 70 Walkthrough – There are no help or hints inside this game ! so if you need help to solve the hard puzzle logic to solve 🙂 find items, look for codes or puzzle hidden somewhere in this room and try your best to find the solution ! if you feel frustrated then get all the answers here with explanation !
room escape game by 10P STUDIO on iOS and Android

My Escape Puzzle Level 66 Walkthrough
get the brush and clean all the photos on wall
tap the monalisa picture and click on the corner right to reveal the picture
get the hammer and use it to remove the nails on board
drag it to right to reveal lever

open the book for year and photos
you need to order them from small to big year
and also follow the eyes movement for each photos
the answer is :
down up right down left down

My Escape Puzzle Level 67 Walkthrough
get the scissors and get the button from suit
use the button on the box to make the coin out
get the coins and put it on right wall

My Escape Puzzle Level 68 Walkthrough
use the symbols to open the box
select the symbols that doesn’t belong on the wall to the box
get the sticks and lemon
place the lemon on left wall and connect the sticks
follow the dots street from paper

tap the dots on left wall from top left and clockwise
get the key and use it to open the door

My Escape Puzzle Level 69 Walkthrough
get the papers on table and insert it to the machine to reveal code
the answer is 2008.2.29

My Escape Puzzle Level 70 Walkthrough
get the paper for the direction that you need to follow
apply it to the numbers on box, so you need to press on :
2 – 7 – 9 – 6 – 8 – 1

get the key and bottle
use the bottle on chain then pick up hammer to break the chain
open door with key and escape

The task is simple, solve the puzzle to open the door ! sometimes you need to find key and in order to do that you also need to find the puzzle and escape the room ! follow the instruction here to help you solve all My Escape Puzzle Walkthrough list !

My Escape Puzzle Level 61 62 63 64 65 Walkthrough

Solution for My Escape Puzzle Level 61 62 63 64 65 Walkthrough – There are no help or hints inside this game ! so if you need help to solve the hard puzzle logic to solve 🙂 find items, look for codes or puzzle hidden somewhere in this room and try your best to find the solution ! if you feel frustrated then get all the answers here with explanation !
room escape game by 10P STUDIO on iOS and Android

My Escape Puzzle Level 61 Walkthrough
JULY MARCH MAY, but the march is crossed
so you only need to spell JULY and MAY on the phone
tap : 5859629

now enter the phone
4 red
3 yellow
4 white
press continue on computer to open door

My Escape Puzzle Level 62 Walkthrough
get the bucket and use it on fire
take hammer and use it to open the panel
pick up the battery and insert it on panel
read the paper for clue
here’s the answer from top and clockwise :
horse – sun – dragon – human – moon

get the star and use it on the door so it open

My Escape Puzzle Level 63 Walkthrough
slide the bottom cabinet open and get the battery
use it on the phone to read : “you’re my everything”
look on the book for the time clue for the word
the answer is 03:21

enter the code on top box for band aid
use it on the left button
now tap on right button to open the door

My Escape Puzzle Level 64 Walkthrough
look at the paper for line color and clue of hexagon
blank + fill = 0
so it means that it substract the number

now read the shape on left paper and use the color for each line
you will get the answer red – yellow – white = 1 – 2 – 3
get the lever and use it on right wall to open door

My Escape Puzzle Level 65 Walkthrough
find the missing numbers for each pie color
red = 15 where it times table for 3
green = 9 where it times 9 for each number that face each other
blue = 4 where it times 4 for each numbers that face each other

use the order from bottom paper to enter the numbers
enter code 9 15 4

The task is simple, solve the puzzle to open the door ! sometimes you need to find key and in order to do that you also need to find the puzzle and escape the room ! follow the instruction here to help you solve all My Escape Puzzle Walkthrough list !